Cra-Z Hand Soap. 300 gram bar. 

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Listing: Cra-Z Hand Soap. 300 gram bar.
Category: Appearance Products
Brand: Manufacturer, Miscellaneous
Sell ID: 18715
Seller ID: 17474  Standard Member
Offer Value: $60,000
Country: Israel Flag Israel
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Cra-Z Hand Soap. 300 gram bar.
Lasts as long as 2 gallons of the leading brand of liquid hand cleaner.

Cleans like Crazy
Lasts like Crazy

Leaves your hands feeling fresh, smooth and clean.

Fresh Smell


CRA-Z Soap will change the way you think about hand cleaners forever.
CRA-Z Soap Hand Cleaner is a concentrated, powerful hand cleaner that is both
economical and a very safe. Check out the following facts about CRA-Z Soap.

FACT 1: CRA-Z Soap contains no petroleum or pumice.
Petroleum and pumice are common to other hand cleaners.
Petroleum and pumice clog pores and damage skin.
Result... dry, cracked skin.

FACT 2: CRA-Z Soap's formula is "skin-friendly".
CRA-Z Soap removes the toughest dirt, grime, grease and ink.
CRA-Z Soap won't clog pores.
Skin can breathe and heal itself.
Hands feel smooth and fresh.

FACT 3: CRA-Z Soap is small, but delivers BIG VALUE.
300 gram bar equals a 2 gallon supply of semi-liquid product.
Suggested retail price of CRA-Z Soap (300 gram bar) is $12.95
Suggested retail price of 2 gallons semi-liquid hand cleaner is $28.00-$34.00-$38.00??

FACT 4: CRA-Z Soap is "Distributor Friendly"".
Low or no inventory investment means .....MORE RETURN ON INVESTMENT.
Low space requirements means....MORE RETURN ON INVESTMENT.
A few shelves.. not pallets means... MORE RETURN ON INVESTMENT.

CRA-Z Soap pricing blows away the competition.
There is no competition for a hand cleaner in bar form.

FACT 6: CRA-Z Soap delivers satisfied customers.
Over 3000 field tests prove that customers love it.

FACT 7: CRA-Z Soap is fabric friendly.
CRA-Z Soap is also a excellent stain remover. Use it on your carpet or clothing.
It does NOT damage the fabric.

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  Part # Description Quantity USD Ea.
expand 300g Cra-Z Hand Soap. 300 gram bar. 40,000 $1.50

Page Description: Surplus inventory offer of Manufacturer, Miscellaneous Appearance Products. Cra-Z Hand Soap. 300 gram bar.. Overstock Appearance Products inventory offer brand is Manufacturer, Miscellaneous
Keywords: Car Accessories, Appearance Products, Cra-Z Hand Soap. 300 gram bar.

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