Airtex Water Pump Impellers 

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Listing: Airtex Water Pump Impellers
Category: Water Pump Impeller
Brand: Airtex Auto Div
Sell ID: 37144
Seller ID: 6186  Standard Member
Offer Value: $8,747
Country: United States Flag United States
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Water Pump Impeller
Water Pump Impeller
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New water pump impellers. Must purchase full inventory. Priced to sell quickly.

Part Numbers

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58 line items - Click on + icon icon for more information
  Part # Description Quantity USD Ea.
expand I-11006 IMPELLER 765 $0.24
expand I-11017 IMPELLER 79 $0.14
expand I-11045-5/8 IMPELLER 5/8 315 $0.12
expand I-11072 IMPELLER 98 $0.17
expand I-12022 IMPELLER 300 $0.36
expand I-12128 IMPELLER 910 $0.17
expand I-13167 IMPELLER 288 $0.19
expand I-15092 IMPELLER 186 $0.13
expand I-15098 IMPELLER 232 $0.34
expand I-16050 IMPELLER 524 $0.16
expand I-16056 IMPELLER 90 $0.14
expand I-16206 IMPELLER 178 $0.14
expand I-16209 IMPELLER 40 $0.12
expand I-16213 IMPELLER 300 $0.20
expand I-16214 IMPELLER 1,223 $0.13
expand I-16309 IMPELLER 300 $0.22
expand I-18262 IMPELLER 51 $0.52
expand I-18274 IMPELLER 91 $0.13
expand I-21007 IMPELLER 67 $0.47
expand I-21050 IMPELLER 392 $0.69
expand I-21079 IMPELLER 1 $1.62
expand I-23111 IMPELLER 450 $0.17
expand I-23114 IMPELLER 133 $0.12
expand I-23115 IMPELLER 103 $0.11
expand I-23121 IMPELLER 150 $0.19
expand I-23127 IMPELLER 3,315 $0.17
expand I-23412 IMPELLER 6,995 $0.12
expand I-25017 IMPELLER 1,098 $0.11
expand I-25018 IMPELLER 201 $0.13
expand I-25141 IMPELLER 1,258 $0.65
expand I-26105 IMPELLER 158 $0.14
expand I-28065 IMPELLER 83 $0.11
expand I-31001 IMPELLER 2,004 $0.58
expand I-31018 IMPELLER 168 $0.30
expand I-31022 IMPELLER 30 $0.16
expand I-32122 IMPELLER 1,242 $0.73
expand I-33100 IMPELLER 193 $0.14
expand I-41069 IMPELLER 190 $0.13
expand I-41111 IMPELLER 643 $0.12
expand I-41120 IMPELLER 50 $1.62
expand I-42042 *** USE I-42023 *** 179 $0.22
expand I-42057 IMPELLER 498 $0.14
expand I-42060 IMPELLER 135 $0.20
expand I-42060-12MM IMPELLER 12MM 76 $0.22
expand I-42105 IMPELLER 979 $0.88
expand I-42105-0.625 IMPELLER 200 $0.18
expand I-42953 IMPELLER 838 $0.20
expand I-42975 IMPELLER 267 $0.26
expand I-43163 IMPELLER 10 $0.48
expand I-52048 IMPELLER 2 $1.68
expand I-61002 IMPELLER 284 $1.38
expand I-62094 IMPELLER 67 $0.37
expand I-70004 IMPELLER 40 $0.60
expand I-70043 IMPELLER 24 $0.32
expand I-71616 IMPELLER 381 $1.80
expand I-72114 IMPELLER 15 $0.37
expand I-82002 IMPELLER 25 $0.20
expand I-82003 IMPELLER 94 $0.20

Page Description: Surplus inventory offer of Airtex Auto Div Water Pump Impeller. Airtex Water Pump Impellers. Overstock Water Pump Impeller inventory offer brand is Airtex Auto Div
Keywords: Water Cooling System, Water Pump Parts, Water Pump Impeller, Airtex Water Pump Impellers, Water Pump Impeller, Water Pump, Water, Impeller, Pump, Water Cooling System, Water Pump Parts, liquidation

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