Briggs & Stratton Parts Inventory 

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Listing: Briggs & Stratton Parts Inventory
Category: Assorted
Brand: Briggs & Stratton
Sell ID: 45479
Seller ID: 45043  Standard Member
Offer Value: $0
Country: United States Flag United States
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Briggs & Stratton
Briggs & Stratton
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Former distributor of small engine parts selling off inventory. All OEM Briggs & Stratton parts in OEM packaging. Gaskets, pistons, armatures, ignition coils, air oil and fuel filters, and more. $2500 takes the whole lot. Shipping or pick up at buyer's expense. Also have Kohler and Tecumseh engine parts inventory listed as well.

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Part Numbers

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471 line items - Click on + icon icon for more information
  Part # Description Quantity USD Ea.
expand 212293 KNOB-AIR CLEANER 1 -
expand 22082 LOCK 22548 MUR 4 -
expand 221995 BOWL-FLOAT 1 -
expand 222698S KEY-FLYWHEEL 5 -
expand 22856 LOCK 4 -
expand 23114 PIN-FLOAT HINGE 1 -
expand 231218 BUSHING-VALVE GUIDE 1 -
expand 231855S FLOAT NEEDLE 2 -
expand 23933 NLA FUEL VALVE 3 -
expand 260133 CRANKSHAFT* 1 -
expand 260179 NLA GOV SPRING 1 -
expand 261662 LINK-AIR VANE 1 -
expand 261911 SPRING-GOVERNOR LINK 1 -
expand 261961 BUSHING-VALVE GUIDE 1 -
expand 262001 BUSHING-VALVE GUIDE 1 -
expand 26267 NLA GOV SPRING 1 -
expand 26873 *CRANKSHAFT 1 -
expand 270026 DIAPHRAGM-CARB 2 -
expand 270069 GASKET-CRKCSE/015 7 -
expand 270070 GASKET-INTAKE 4 -
expand 270073 GASKET-FUEL TANK 1 -
expand 270093 FILTER-A/C FOAM 1 -
expand 270125 GASKET-CRKCSE/005 3 -
expand 270126 GASKET-CRKCSE/009 1 -
expand 270288 4HP DECAL 4 -
expand 270340 NLA HEAD GSKT METAL 3 -
expand 270344S SEAL-O RING 1 -
expand 270345S GASKET-INTAKE 6 -
expand 27045 GASKET NLA 5 -
expand 270511 GASKET-FLOAT BOWL 1 -
expand 270539 GASKET-AIR CLEANER 5 -
expand 270571 GASKET-CHOKE COVER 10 -
expand 270579S FILTER-A/C FOAM 1 -
expand 270621 NLA AIR CLNR GSKT 4 -
expand 270844 GASKET-INTAKE 13 -
expand 270915 GASKET-CRKCSE/005 1 -
expand 270962 REP MAN-1 CYL L-HD 2 -
expand 271092 5HP DECAL 18 -
expand 271241 10HP DECAL 1 -
expand 271265 SEAL-O RING 1 -
expand 271702S GASKET-CRKCSE/015 1 -
expand 271866S GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 271867S GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 271868S GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 271917 GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 2 -
expand 271962S FILTER-A/C FOAM 1 -
expand 272010 GASKET-ROCKER COVER 1 -
expand 272028 GASKET-INTAKE 2 -
expand 272029 GASKET-INTAKE 1 -
expand 272121 GASKET-INTAKE 1 -
expand 272124 GASKET-CRKCSE/015 1 -
expand 272144 REP MAN-V2 OHV 1 -
expand 272157S GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 272163S GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 272167 GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 272199S GASKET-INTAKE 3 -
expand 272200S GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 272235S FILTER-A/C FOAM 1 -
expand 272296 GASKET-AIR CLEANER 1 -
expand 272323 GASKET-ROCKER COVER 1 -
expand 272403S FILTER-PRE CLEANER 1 -
expand 272409S GASKET-FUEL TANK 1 -
expand 272475S GASKET-ROCKER COVER 1 -
expand 272477S FILTER-PRE CLEANER 2 -
expand 272490S FILTER-PRE CLEANER 1 -
expand 272538S DIAPHRAGM-CARB 5 -
expand 272554S GASKET-INTAKE 1 -
expand 272569S GASKET-INTAKE 1 -
expand 272638S DIAPHRAGM-CARB. 2 -
expand 272922 FILTER-A/C FOAM 1 -
expand 273113S GASKET-INTAKE 1 -
expand 273185S FILTER-PRE CLEANER 2 -
expand 273186S GASKET-CARB BODY 1 -
expand 273280S GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 273326S GASKET-OIL GARD 2 -
expand 273521 REP MAN-INTK V2 OHV 1 -
expand 27355S GASKET-INTAKE 2 -
expand 273638S FILTER-PRE CLEANER 1 -
expand 27381S GASKET-INTAKE 1 -
expand 27402 NLA AIR CLNR GSKT 3 -
expand 27421 GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 1 -
expand 27423 GASKET-AIR CLEANER 6 -
expand 27463 GASKET-CYLINDER HEAD 14 -
expand 27496 GASKET NLA 1 -
expand 27506 GASKET NLA 1 -
expand 27549S GASKET-BREATHER 1 -
expand 27660 NLA AIR CLNR GSKT 2 -
expand 276781 REP MAN- SINGLE CYL OHV 1 -
expand 27682 GASKET-FLOAT BOWL 6 -
expand 27795 GASKET-AIR CLEANER 1 -
expand 27803S GASKET-BREATHER 1 -
expand 27828S GASKET-INTAKE 2 -
expand 27876 GASKET-CRKCSE/005 4 -
expand 27877 GASKET-CRKCSE/009 3 -
expand 27918 GASKET-CARB BODY 1 -
expand 27987S FILTER-A/C FOAM 2 -
expand 280178 VALVE-CHOKE 1 -
expand 281165S BOWL GASKET 3 -
expand 281370S SEAL-DIPSTICK TUBE 1 -
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Page Description: Surplus inventory offer of Briggs & Stratton Assorted. Briggs & Stratton Parts Inventory. Overstock Assorted inventory offer brand is Briggs & Stratton
Keywords: Misc. Parts, Assorted, Briggs & Stratton Parts Inventory, Assorted, automotive parts, liquidation, overstock, surplus, buy and sell, offers, Car

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