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Category: Engine Cylinder Sleeve Sealing Ring
Brand: Cummins
Sell ID: 12509
Seller ID: 154  Standard Member
Offer Value: $9,378,192
Country: United States Flag United States
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Part Numbers

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1302 line items - Click on + icon icon for more information
  Part # Description Quantity USD Ea.
expand 3801747 "CYLINDER KIT (BIG POWER PERFORMANCE) Engine Model -NTC444/NTCC444 (STC), NT855-G4, G5, G6" 120 $30.00
expand 3801755 "PISTON RING SET (PREM PLUS LONG LIFE) Engine Model -NT855, NTA855, NTC290, NTC350,NTC400" 42 $120.00
expand 3801764 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC230, NTC250, NTC290" 110 $120.00
expand 3801765 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTC250,NTC250,NTC290" 115 $180.00
expand 3801768 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC350, NTA855-M2" 120 $60.00
expand 3801771 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC400, NTA855-M2, NTA855G/GS" 115 $120.00
expand 3801774 "CYL KIT (PREMIUM) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC300,315, NHC-250" 110 $300.00
expand 3801775 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC300,315" 115 $240.00
expand 3801776 "CYL KIT (PREMIUM) Engine Model -NT855GC, NTA855GS/GC, NTC290,350" 110 $180.00
expand 3801777 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NT855,-GS/GC,NTA855C,NTC350" 115 $120.00
expand 3801778 CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTA855GC/ NTA855C 115 $180.00
expand 3801779 "CYL KIT (PREMIUM) Engine Model -NTA855, NTA855GS, NTC290,350,400,NTA855" 110 $30.00
expand 3801780 "CYL KIT (PREMIUM) Engine Model -NTA855P400, NTA855GS, NTC400,NT855G4,5" 110 $240.00
expand 3801781 "CYL KIT (PREMIUM) Engine Model -NTA855P400, NTA855GS" 115 $120.00
expand 3801783 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTTA855P,C NTA855G, NTC475, NTA855-450" 120 $30.00
expand 3801786 "WATER PUMP ASSY.W/MULTI GROOVE PULLEY Engine Model -NT855, NTA855" 180 $40.00
expand 3801788 "WATER PUMP B/CAM W/MULTI GROOVE PULLEY Engine Model -BIG CAM NTC 350, 400,NTA855" 110 $50.00
expand 3801795 "CYL KIT (PREMIUM) Engine Model -NH230, NHC250, NT855C250" 110 $60.00
expand 3801796 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTC400,NTA855P400, NTE-350" 110 $120.00
expand 3801797 CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTC350 110 $150.00
expand 3801798 CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTC315 115 $30.00
expand 3801800 CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTC300 110 $200.00
expand 3801817 "CYL KIT LONG LIFE (BIG POWER PERFORMANCE) Engine Model -NTA855P400& C400,NTA855GS, NTC350,400" 115 $48.00
expand 3801822 "CYL KIT LONG LIFE (BIG POWER PERFORMANCE) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC300, NTCC-400, NTCC350" 120 $90.00
expand 3801823 "USE 3804458 Engine Model -NTA855, NTC400" 0 -
expand 3801824 "CYL KIT LONG LIFE (BIG POWER PERFORMANCE) Engine Model -NTA855A-400, NTA855GS, NTC 315" 120 $120.00
expand 3801825 CYL KIT LONG LIFE (BIG POWER PERFORMANCE) Engine Model -NTC400 BIG CAM IV 120 $120.00
expand 3801826 "LINER, KIT Engine Model -NT855,NTA855, VT1710,VTA28, N14" 54 $120.00
expand 3801826 "PLEASE REFER TO ""CYLINDER LINER KITS"" Engine Model -NTA855/NTC400, NTA-855-M" 54 $180.00
expand 3801834 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -VTA28GS/GC ,VTA1710-G3" 240 $48.00
expand 3801839/4024920 GASKET SET UPPER (3 CYLINDERS) Engine Model -NT88 84 $25.00
expand 3801849 "TURBO HC5A Engine Model -NTA855, KTA19/KTA38" 900 $4.00
expand 3801851 TURBO BHT3B Engine Model -NTA855 460 $1.00
expand 3801872 "CYL KIT (PREMIUM) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC335, NTA855M" 110 $60.00
expand 3801873 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC335" 115 $30.00
expand 3801874 "CYL KIT (PREMIUM) (NT855-R5, NT855-G3,NTA855-C Engine Model -NT855, NTC250,NTC290" 110 $90.00
expand 3801875 "CYLINDER KIT (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NT855,NTC250,NTC290, NT855A-250,280" 115 $90.00
expand 3801900 TURBO VT-50 Engine Model -NT 855 495 $2.00
expand 3801905 TURBO T-50 Engine Model -NTA855 595 $12.00
expand 3801955 "CYLINDER KIT (BIG POWER PERFORM.) WITH Engine Model -NTC315, NTC350" 120 $150.00
expand 3801956 CYL KIT LONG LIFE (BIG PERFORMANCE) Engine Model -NTC400 120 $120.00
expand 3801965 TURBO T-50 Engine Model -NT 855 495 $6.00
expand 3801982 TURBO VT-50 Engine Model -NTA855 595 $4.00
expand 3801983 TURBO VT-50 Engine Model -NT 855 595 $6.00
expand 3801985 "TURBO T-50 Engine Model -NT855, NTA855" 595 $10.00
expand 3801986 "TURBO T-50 Engine Model -NT855, NTA855" 595 $7.00
expand 3802013 MAIN BEARING SET .75 MM Engine Model -6BTA 32 $500.00
expand 3802014 MAIN BEARING SET 1.00 MM Engine Model -6BTA 30 $500.00
expand 3802037 INJECTOR Engine Model -4BT 38 $300.00
expand 3802054 "PISTON RING SET Engine Model -4BT, 6BT (1.00 MM)" 14 $400.00
expand 3802072 MAIN BEARING SET .50 MM Engine Model -6BTA 34 $300.00
expand 3802073 MAIN BEARING SET .75 MM Engine Model -6BTA 34 $300.00
expand 3802074 MAIN BEARING SET 1.00 MM Engine Model -6BTA 32 $300.00
expand 3802098 "INJECTOR KIT Engine Model -6CT,6CTA-8.3" 38 $1,200.00
expand 3802107 TURBO H1C Engine Model -4BT 300 $25.00
expand 3802111 TURBO H1C Engine Model -6BT 300 $30.00
expand 3802115 TURBO H1C Engine Model -6BT 300 $2.00
expand 3802117 TURBO HIC Engine Model -4BT 275 $75.00
expand 3802118 HEAD GASKET SET 4BT STD. Engine Model -4BT-3.9 42 $300.00
expand 3802119 TURBO H1C Engine Model -4BT 300 $16.00
expand 3802121 CYLINDER KIT Engine Model -CT-8.3 100 $100.00
expand 3802122 CYLINDER KIT Engine Model -CTA-8.3 110 $12.00
expand 3802124 TURBO H1C Engine Model -4BT 300 $20.00
expand 3802125 TURBO H1C Engine Model -4BT 300 $18.00
expand 3802137 TURBO H1C Engine Model -4BTA 300 $10.00
expand 3802140 "MAIN BEARING SET STD. Engine Model -6CT-8.3, 6CTA-8.3" 75 $40.00
expand 3802141 "MAIN BEARING SET .025 Engine Model -6CT-8.3, 6CTA-8.3" 75 $50.00
expand 3802142 "MAIN BEARING SET .050 Engine Model -6CT-8.3, 6CTA-8.3" 75 $50.00
expand 3802227 GASKET SET UPPER (WITH .15 MM HEAD GASKET) Engine Model -6BT-5.9/6BTA-5.9 82 $45.00
expand 3802228 GASKET SET UPPER (WITH .50 MM HEAD GASKET) Engine Model -6BT-5.9/6BTA-5.9 88 $30.00
expand 3802247 "INJECTOR KIT Engine Model -4BT,6BT,6BTA" 38 $90.00
expand 3802266 UPPER GASKET SET 6BT Engine Model -6BT-5.9 50 $90.00
expand 3802267 LOWER GASKET SET 6BT Engine Model -6BT-5.9 55 $20.00
expand 3802278 "LUBE PUMP ASSY Engine Model -6BTA-5.9, 6CT/6CTA8.3" 195 $75.00
expand 3802389 TURBO HIC Engine Model -6BTA 330 $30.00
expand 3802450 UPPER ENGINE GASKET SET (WITH .15 MM OVER THICKNESS) Engine Model -6CT/CTA-8.3 115 $120.00
expand 3802500 TURBO Engine Model -6AT 180 $90.00
expand 3802555 TURBO HX35 Engine Model -6CT/6CTA-8.3 425 $40.00
expand 3802623 UPPER ENGINE GASKET SET (WITH .50 MM OVER THICKNESS) Engine Model -6CT/CTA-8.3 125 $150.00
expand 3802654 TURBO HX-35 Engine Model -6CT/6CTA-8.3 375 $45.00
expand 3802656 TURBO HX35 (6CT8.3) Engine Model -6CT/6CTA-8.3 375 $30.00
expand 3802678/3802992 "TURBO HX35 Engine Model -6BT, 6BTA" 425 -
expand 3802679 TURBO Engine Model - 0 $10.00
expand 3802700 TURBO Engine Model - 0 $5.00
expand 3802707/3802992 TURBO HX35 Engine Model - 425 $65.00
expand 3802767 TURBO Engine Model - 0 $10.00
expand 3802798 TURBO Engine Model - 0 $5.00
expand 3802799 TURBO Engine Model - 0 $5.00
expand 3802809 TURBO Engine Model - 0 $20.00
expand 3802814 PISTON RINGS SET Engine Model -6BT 22 $240.00
expand 3802822 TURBO Engine Model - 0 $10.00
expand 3802824 TURBO Engine Model - 0 $10.00
expand 3802841 TURBO HX35 Engine Model - 0 $15.00
expand 3802842/3802993 TURBO MODEL HX35 Engine Model - 450 $120.00
expand 3802946 TURBO Engine Model - 450 $60.00
expand 3803055 "TURBO BHT4C Engine Model -NT 855, NT 88" 550 $25.00
expand 3803209 "CYLINDER KIT O/SIZE LINER (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTA400,NTE400" 110 $120.00
expand 3803210 "CYLINDER KIT WITH O/SIZE LINER (PREMIUM PLUS) Engine Model -NTA855, NTC300, NTC 315" 110 $120.00
expand 3803211 "CYLINDER KIT(PREMUIM PLUS) WITH O/IZE LINER Engine Model -NTC250,NTC250,NTC290" 110 $60.00
expand 3803212 "CYLINDER KIT(PREMUIM PLUS) WITH O/IZE LINER Engine Model -NT855,-GS/GENUINE" 110 $60.00
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Page Description: Surplus inventory offer of Cummins Engine Cylinder Sleeve Sealing Ring. CYLINDER HEADS. Overstock Engine Cylinder Sleeve Sealing Ring inventory offer brand is Cummins
Keywords: Engine, Engine Block Parts, Engine Cylinder Sleeve Sealing Ring, CYLINDER HEADS, Engine Cylinder Sleeve Sealing Ring, Engine Cylinder Sleeve Sealing, Engine Cylinder Sleeve, Engine Cylinder, Engine

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