Tacho V2008 PLUS
Tacho V2008 PLUS, Digi consult, Diga master , mileage correction Updated to July of 2008 ! No time limited, Never locked, NO SYNC The Tacho and all information in this manual are intended for repair of odometers only. When buying this product, the buyer promises to use this product only in accordance with the laws of the state in which it is sold. Menu OPTIONS Choose Language Here you can choose a different language for the Tacho Universal. New PIN First you have to enter the old PIN. Then the handheld asks you for the new PIN that you have to repeat again. The password consists of a combination of pressing 6 buttons of your choice. Erase all eeps With this menu you erase all data that you have saved before. First you have to press E to verify, then you have to enter your PIN. Clear 1 EEP Here you can erase the last data you have saved. Verify Pin With this menu you can switch on or off the password function when starting the handheld. With the button OK the handheld will ask you for the password after every start of the handheld, with the button STOP you can swith it off. To switch it off you have to verify it with the password. Package included: 1 cable P607 for Tacho Universal 0676 OK 2 cable 11DU for Tacho Universal 0677 OK 3 Dongle CAN Hardware for Tacho Universal 0709 OK 4 Cable BMW OBD2+MB Service Reset for Tacho Universal 0742 OK 5 Cable ALFA156 for Tacho Universal 0678 OK 6 Cable ALFA145_146 for Tacho Universal 0679 OK 7 Cable P206 JAEGER for Tacho Universal 0684 OK 8 Cable ALFA166 for Tacho Universal 0681 OK 9 Cable P908 for Tacho Universal 0682 OK 10 Cable ACCORD for Tacho Universal 0683 OK 11 Cable P406 JAEGER for Tacho Universal 0680 OK 12 Cable MB-DiaMox for Tacho Universal 0685 OK 13 Cable GTV SPIDER for Tacho Universal 0686 OK 14 Cable MB SPRINTER Kienzle for Tacho Universal 0687 OK 15 Cable MB-OBD2 for Tacho Universal 0688 OK 16 Cable MB-CAN for Tacho Universal 0689 OK 17 Cable CRYSLER OBD2 for Tacho Universal 0743 OK 18 Cable Multi CAN for Tacho Universal 0690 OK 19 Cable P-106 for Tacho Universal 0691 OK 20 Cable SCOPRIO for Tacho Universal 0692 OK 21 Cable VW GOLF3+MB C-CLASS OLD for Tacho Universal 0744 OK 22 Cable SPRINT VDO for Tacho Universal 0693 OK 23 Cable VW CAN for Tacho Universal 0694 OK 24 Cable BMW HW 4, 5, 6 for Tacho Universal 0695 OK 25 Cable SHARAN 2000 for Tacho Universal 0696 OK 26 Cable AUDI 2000 for Tacho Universal 0697 OK 27 Cable OBD2 VW-OPEL for Tacho Universal 0698 OK 28 Cable POLO98/BELLTLE/B5 for Tacho Universal 0699 OK 29 Cable BMW DIAG for Tacho Universal 0700 OK 30 Cable BMW E36 for Tacho Universal 0701 OK 31 Cable BMW Z3/compact for Tacho Universal 0702 OK 32 Cable AUDI+VW OBD2+2 for Tacho Universal 0783 OK 33 DONGLE CRYSLER OBD2 for Tacho Universal 0703 OK Part NumbersShow Details | Hide Details
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