Porsche tester PIWIS KTS520
KTS520 PC VERSION Features
1. KTS520 can Simple adapt to laptop or PC IBM T30 through USB or serial standard interface 2. KTS 520 can be powered by ESI(tronic): ideal in combination with the workshop software for fast and targeted vehicle diagnosis in the workshop. 3. Full range of ESI(tronic) test specification immediately available. 4. Both models are equipped for all current diagnosis protocols: - ISO systems of European vehicles - SAE systems for American and Japanese vehicles - CAN protocols for testing state-of-the-art CAB bus systems in new vehicles 5. Direct multiplexer connection via OBD line to the diagnosis socket; 6. Software automatically controls multiplexer - thus dispensing with need for troublesome changing around of communication connections. Package including: Geniune KTS520 with 12months warranty from BOSCH OBD2 BOSCH cable USB cable IBM T30 with software PIWIS ready to work Part NumbersShow Details | Hide Details
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