IDS(Integrated Diagnostic System) Ford Main Dealer tool also covers Mazda, Jaguar (From 1998) and Landrover (2004) with full capabilities.
The IDS is the replacement for the WDS which is PDA based. Whilst the dealers will use this IDS run on a Panasonic toughbook, we can provide this pre-installed onto a used laptop. This IDS for Jaguar, Ford, Landrover and Mazda is original equipment; a genuine dealer tool with genuine dealer capabilities. Chinese Clone IDS units do not update the latest firmware patches like the genuine tool does. They will not communicate with full Can cars. The only thing this tool cannot do is the coded access keys which only the main dealer can do, as you need access to the website. If you work on Ford commercial vehicles this tool is perfect. You can put speed limiters onto vans and minibuses. This is particularly important due to the new laws that have come in recently. You can also code in injectors and diesel pumps (Pin code required from dealer which they will only let you have if you explain you have an IDS) Part NumbersShow Details | Hide Details
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