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Category: Alternators
Brand: Nippondenso
Sell ID: 40579
Seller ID: 43001  Standard Member
Offer Value: $77,950
Country: Canada Flag Canada
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We are looking to sell large quantity of alternator cores. The alternators are all sorted and we have the inventory with part numbers which can be emailed once you have contacted us.All makes included and mostly year 2000s and up. We are looking to sell to re builders and are only interested in serious inquires.

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Part Numbers

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347 line items - Click on + icon icon for more information
  Part # Description Quantity USD Ea.
expand 13939 NISSAN 5 $50.00
expand 13940 NISSAN 15 $50.00
expand 13940 NISSAN 1 $50.00
expand 13940 NISSAN 1 $50.00
expand 13940 NISSAN 1 $50.00
expand 13942 VW 1 $50.00
expand 13943 GM 4 $50.00
expand 13943 GM 1 $50.00
expand 13944 GM 1 $50.00
expand 13945 HYUNDAI 1 $50.00
expand 13952 SAAB 4 $50.00
expand 13953 MERCEDES 1 $50.00
expand 13954 MERCEDES 1 $50.00
expand 13965 HONDA 3 $50.00
expand 13966 HONDA 4 $50.00
expand 13966 HONDA 20 $50.00
expand 13970 BMW 10 $50.00
expand 13974 BMW 1 $50.00
expand 13980 HONDA 2 $50.00
expand 13980 HONDA 4 $50.00
expand 13980 HONDA 1 $50.00
expand 13980 HONDA 2 $50.00
expand 13980 HONDA 4 $50.00
expand 13980 HONDA 4 $50.00
expand 13981 TOYOTA 3 $50.00
expand 13983 TOYOTA 1 $50.00
expand 13985 CHRYSLER 4 $50.00
expand 13986 BMW 5 $50.00
expand 13987 CHRYSLER 1 $50.00
expand 13988 DODGE 3 $50.00
expand 13990 LAND ROVER 1 $50.00
expand 13992 TOYOTA 1 $50.00
expand 13993 GM 6 $50.00
expand 13993 GM 2 $50.00
expand 13996 MAZDA 3 $50.00
expand 13997 VOLVO 1 $50.00
expand 13998 VOLVO 7 $50.00
expand 13998 VOLVO 2 $50.00
expand 14051 MERCEDES 1 $50.00
expand 23256 VW 1 $50.00
expand 23347 BMW 1 $50.00
expand 23886 MERCEDES 1 $50.00
expand 23901 MERCEDES 2 $50.00
expand 41003 GM 1 $50.00
expand 42010 NISSAN 1 $50.00
expand 8487 HYUNDAI 60 $50.00
expand 8550 GM 1 $50.00
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Page Description: Surplus inventory offer of Nippondenso Alternators. HAIR PIN NIPPON DENSO ALTERNATORS. Overstock Alternators inventory offer brand is Nippondenso
Keywords: Automotive Cores, Alternators, HAIR PIN NIPPON DENSO ALTERNATORS, Alternators, Automotive Cores, car alternator, rebuilt alternator, alternator part, alternator bracket, alternator starter

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