Opel parts stock - new , unused spare parts 

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Listing: Opel parts stock - new , unused s...
Category: Other Parts
Brand: Opel
Sell ID: 45579
Seller ID: 45321  Standard Member
Offer Value: $9,794
Country:  Flag
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Offer - OPEL genuine parts -entire stock of mixed parts. Parts are unused/new -from Omega till Insignia. Worth of stock is 160.000 eur - ready to sell 40.000 eur

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Part Numbers

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317 line items - Click on + icon icon for more information
  Part # Description Quantity USD Ea.
expand 96481325 maska pvc 1 $3.72
expand 96481332 maska pvc 2 $0.87
expand 96481333 poklopac pvc 1 $0.87
expand 96484304 relej 1 $2.08
expand 96492887 crevo gumeno 1 $5.38
expand 96493582 staklo retrovizora 1 $3.82
expand 96494264 1252557prekidac ulja 1 $1.70
expand 96495227 disk plocice 1 $14.09
expand 96495507 katadiopter 1 $8.25
expand 96495508 katadiopter 1 $7.58
expand 96496763 brake pad 4 $14.09
expand 96507939 klema 1 $1.73
expand 96535010 lezaj amortizera 2 $3.59
expand 96535087 caura viljuske 2 $3.33
expand 96535499 nosac motora 1 $41.90
expand 96536643 nosac hladnjaka gumen 4 $0.75
expand 96539642 condenser 2 $47.26
expand 96540151 head lamp 1 $72.99
expand 96540152 head lamp 1 $72.99
expand 96540255 head lamp 1 $63.86
expand 96540256 head lamp 1 $63.86
expand 96540269 STOP SVETLO 1 $74.58
expand 96540894 hood 1 $103.87
expand 96542974 zavesice pvc 2 $2.02
expand 96543017 bumper 1 $44.86
expand 96543038 zavesice pvc 2 $1.62
expand 96543039 zavesice pvc 2 $1.62
expand 96543060 lajsna pvc 1 $5.88
expand 96543075 poklopac PVC 4 $0.34
expand 96545744 staklo retrovizora 1 $3.25
expand 96545745 staklo retrovizora 1 $3.58
expand 96545747 staklo retrovizora 1 $3.25
expand 96545750 staklo retrovizora 1 $6.66
expand 96549630 disk tocka 2 $19.73
expand 96565821 Kais 2 $1.89
expand 96569402 klinasti kais 4 $4.10
expand 96569405 dihtung metalni 1 $4.34
expand 96570669 klinasti kais 2 $1.96
expand 96570670 klinasti kais 2 $3.00
expand 96590287 relej 2 $1.54
expand 96590409 maglovka 1 $23.20
expand 96590410 maglovka 1 $23.20
expand 96590420 migavac 1 $3.71
expand 96590724 obloga blatobrana 1 $4.59
expand 96590735 sina branika met. 2 $9.22
expand 96591470 nosac hladnjaka pvc 3 $3.43
expand 96591490 cev pvc 1 $2.02
expand 96591511 silencer 1 $85.38
expand 96599280 vezni lim 1 $38.06
expand 96599339 vezni lim 1 $3.87
expand 96599353 blatobran 1 $43.70
expand 96599733 deo karoserije 1 $4.35
expand 96600257 poklopac retrov.pvc 3 $1.15
expand 96600275 rucica pvc 1 $9.34
expand 96600348 poklopac pvc 2 $0.76
expand 96600349 poklopac pvc 2 $0.73
expand 96600405 retrovizor 1 $17.50
expand 96601450 tipla pvc 4 $0.46
expand 96601864 poklopac pvc 2 $0.40
expand 96602011 brava 1 $3.33
expand 96602019 sarka 3 $2.98
expand 96602020 sarka 3 $2.98
expand 96602461 nalepnica 1 $4.67
expand 96603461 klinasti kais 4 $4.10
expand 96610564 klinasti kais 5 $3.12
expand 96618857 maska pvc 1 $18.68
expand 96624259 lock 1 $61.72
expand 96625854 cilindar kocioni 1 $156.95
expand 96626215 amortizer 2 $46.48
expand 96628287 radio CD/MP 1 $545.39
expand 96633827 staklo retrovizora 1 $7.62
expand 96634351 migavac 1 $46.39
expand 96639896 viljuska tocka 1 $48.60
expand 96642057 radkapna 5 $7.52
expand 96644525 znak pvc 1 $2.97
expand 96646684 natpis-oznaka 5 $0.42
expand 96646686 natpis-oznaka 2 $0.23
expand 96648657 nosac branika pvc 1 $3.32
expand 96648780 znak pvc 1 $9.85
expand 96650149 zakacaljka pvc 9 $0.16
expand 96653239 odbojnik amortizera 1 $4.59
expand 96664480 rucica pvc 1 $0.34
expand 96666694 kuciste migavca 1 $3.92
expand 96686882 nosac pvc 1 $1.72
expand 96800026 poklopac maglenke 1 $5.44
expand 96801085 lajsna pvc 1 $4.07
expand 96801275 steering 1 $367.63
expand 96802653 head lamp 2 $89.40
expand 96802654 head lamp 1 $90.72
expand 96808139 bumper 1 $79.81
expand 96808143 nosac branika pvc 1 $12.21
expand 96815209 selna 3 $1.59
expand 96827692 presvlake za sedista 1 $65.78
expand 96830404 poklopac pvc 1 $2.76
expand 96830500 valve 16 $4.93
expand 96842666 bumper 1 $117.44
expand 96858477 amortizer 1 $53.50
expand 96870466 viljuska tocka 1 $31.13
expand 96873568 cep pvc 1 $11.80
expand 96874543 homozglob 1 $136.99
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Page Description: Surplus inventory offer of Opel Other Parts. Opel parts stock - new , unused spare parts. Overstock Other Parts inventory offer brand is Opel
Keywords: Vintage Car Parts, Other Parts, Opel parts stock - new, unused spare parts, Other Parts, Other, Partsliquidation, overstock, surplus, buy and sell, offers, other vehicle part, auto other part

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