rear axle for renault bus
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rear axle for renault bus
Dear sir,
the part no is RENAULT 5000849421
Before telling you our requirements let me tell you first in details :-
Renault have trucks and buses so the rear axle is different we need the both sides for the renaultFR1 GTX bus year 1998 because the renault bus rear axle is smaller the the truck rear axle and the nut is size 13 but the truck size 16. so we need 500 pieces first. so if you are a big company it's easy to find reae axle for renault bus(over 40 passengers).
so if you can please let me know
Page Description: Offer to Buy Manufacturer, Asia Axle Hardware. rear axle for renault bus - Axle Hardware offer brand is Manufacturer, Asia
Keywords: Driveline and Axles, Axle Hardware, rear axle for renault bus
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