New big truck to be used in mine
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New big truck to be used in mine
Dear Sir,
Re: New big truck to be used in mine industry
May we kindly ask you to check whether you are be able to supply us the new big truck to be used in mine industry of Thai Government the catalogues and specification are need urgently to enable us register and present them your catalogue and specification for their consideration. Please be informed that without catalogue and specification are not acceptable.
Please send as much as you have catalogues and specification for of BIG TRUCK and to be used in the mine industry for Thai Government and they going to held e-auction very soon (big project). We therefore, need your
co-operation in sending us first your catalogues/specification urgently via e-mail attachment.
Page Description: Offer to Buy Manufacturer, Asia Heavy Truck. New big truck to be used in mine - Heavy Truck offer brand is Manufacturer, Asia
Keywords: Heavy Truck, New big truck to be used in mine
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