Offer Wholesale Overstock Battery Tools - Battery Boosters (SELL) 

8ga 12ft booster cable
China China
Brand: Manufacturer, Miscellaneous
1, UL listed 2, 400A clamps with PVC insulation and could fit both top and side post batteries 3, Flexible PVC ev...   more
8ga 12ft booster cable
400A 3.0M booster cable
China China
Brand: Manufacturer, Miscellaneous
1, Cable lengh:3, 0M 2, Cable Meterial :CCA (copper clad Aluminum) 3, Cable Color: Red/ Black, if reach to 3000pcs, we...   more
400A 3.0M booster cable

Page Description: Offer to buy and sell wholesale auto tool overstock,liquidation,closeouts Automotive Tools,Battery Tools,Battery Boosters
Keywords: Battery Boosters, Battery, Boosters, Automotive Tools, Battery Tools, automotive, Car, Truck, auto part, overstock, automobile, buy and sell, truck part, offers, liquidation, closeouts, surplus, import export

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