BMW GT1 DISV57 SSS V37 Diagnostic tool - Photo ID 44560 

Photograph Details - Offer ID: 26871

Product Brand: Manufacturer, US
Product Category: Automotive Tools ::: Diagnostics Testing Tools
Product Type: BMW GT1 DISV57 SSS V37 Diagnostic tool
Offer Details:
BMW GT1 DIS=V57 SSS=V37 Diagnostic tool


BMW group tester one (GT1) is offered to the aftermarket in the same specification that is currently supplied to BMW franchised dealers. It is special-purpose tool of BMW Series.
Gt1 is supplied with a Pentium based laptop PC on a Windows platform connected to a high specification communications and measurement interface.

GT1 can complete coverage of ALL BMW systems, one thing that can only be done using the GT1, this function is called Electronic Control Unit (ECU) programming and configuration. Many of the original electronic systems on modern vehicles can now be re programmed using software; historically any changes to rectify software problems would involve a new ECU which would be purchased from the parts department and that is the only way that the independent market today is able to overcome these problems. The BMW GT1 system allows you re programme all BMW car ECU's to fix software or to install a blank ECU to a repaired vehicle. GT1 is the only system that allows you to do this and is absolutely essential if working on Freelander , the GT1 is also the only system that provides all diagnostics and programming for the very latest BMW launched this year.

BMW GT1 software kit comprises of five system , TIS system .DIS data system ; diagnosis system .measuring system and manangement system . you can to test and check data information same time in GT1.

Test function :
Read faulty code , clear faulty code , data stream .activate state, programming , component test , maintenance data information , components location , wiring diagram etc..., TIS AND DIS ARE SUPPLY all of system diagram of all of BMW car, Components location, maintainence method and coding information etc. Can do completely of BMW car system.

1. GT1-SCAN Pro mainbody
2. Network cable
3. GT1 for vehicles with 20pin diagnostic connector
4. GT1 for vehicles with OBII diagnostic connector
5. Latest diagnostic version of software(one HDD) DIS=V57 SSS=V37 It can only be used with IBM T30.

New Function in my company:
1). Indicator: The green indicator light will be showed on when the electric power is supplied.
2). Self-protection: GT1 Multiplexer will be turned off by itself if the voltage surpasses 15.8V during your testing.
3). Restarting button: It is not necessary to put off cables from GT1 Multiplexer to restart only if you press the green button for 3 seconds.

Warranty: one-year product quality warranty

After sale service:
1) Free update during one year
2) Free repair and maintenance service in one year
3) Free technical support by internet or via phone

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BMW GT1 DISV57 SSS V37 Diagnostic tool

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Page Descritpion: BMW GT1 DISV57 SSS V37 Diagnostic tool auto part photo. Automotive Tools auto part photos, Diagnostics Testing Tools auto part photos. Manufacturer, US auto part photos. Image gallery of car part pictures
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